The Management of the INQUIBA GROUP is aware that environmental management, safety for the consumer in the production of products and quality is a guarantee for the future and a strategic factor to compete in the current market and ensure the survival of the company.
For this reason, the Management of the INQUIBA GROUP, within the framework of its production and packaging activities for surfactant products, cosmetics and detergents, has decided to establish the following Quality, Environment, Safety and Health at Work, Social Responsibility and Good Practices Policy in Production, among whose objectives, is to satisfy the applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well as other requirements that the organization or its stakeholders subscribe to and those associated with our products (Safety, Environment, Quality, Legality, Specifications and Manufacturing Methods ). Therefore, a professional service must be offered, widely meeting their expectations and continuously improving.
Continuous improvement is sought in all areas of GRUPO INQUIBA and for this, we have chosen as a reference international standards such as ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 22716: 2007, ISO 45001: 2018, model SR10, IFS HPC which allows us to simultaneously have a solid starting point and a flexible development framework, depending on our objectives, for the development of our Quality Management System, Environment, Good Practices in Production, Health and Safety and Social responsability. For this reason, we have established the following maxims to comply with within our company:
- Ensure the satisfaction of our customers and consumers of our products based on always correct treatment and an extra effort in the realization of our products.
- We are committed to continuously improving the quality and safety of our products through the application of Good Manufacturing Practices, as well as our attitude towards the impacts and possible risks that our activity generates on our stakeholders.
- Identify and manage the risks and opportunities of the processes, as well as establish objectives and plans to achieve them in terms of Quality, Environment, Health and Safety based on the context of our organization.
- Commitment to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of damage and / or deterioration of health related to work.
- Commitment to the participation and involvement of workers and worker representatives in decision-making processes in the OSH management system.
- Commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce risks to OSH.
- Prevent the contamination that GRUPO INQUIBA could generate to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with the environment that surrounds us and the protection of it.
- Prevent damage and deterioration in the health of workers that could be caused during the performance of the work.
- Believe in a better future for our company in which the client always feels satisfied with our products, services and our environmental behavior in the work and products carried out.
- Commit ourselves to complying with the following principles regarding Social Responsibility:
- Commitment to transparency, as a way of transmitting and generating trust and credibility to our stakeholders.
- Accountability.
- Ethical behavior, through the establishment of an ethical code for the company and establishing Corporate Governance practices.
- Respect for our stakeholders.
- Compliance with applicable national and international laws and regulations, as well as other subscribed requirements.
- Commitment to Human Rights.
- Achieve high competitiveness in our markets based on the trust and loyalty of our customers.
- Minimize our generation of waste, emissions and discharges and provide training and means to our employees to actively collaborate in this cause.
- The company will promote possible investments to improve and maintain its infrastructure (plant, machinery and equipment).
- We accept the tasks and responsibilities to guarantee safety in the elaboration of our products, so that consumer confidence in them is maintained.
- La Dirección del GRUPO INQUIBA se compromete a que su Política sea conocida, entendida y que esté disponible para sus partes interesadas, así como a realizar la Revisión del Sistema de Gestión tantas veces como sea necesario, con el fin de mantener la eficacia para el que ha sido creado.
Guareña, 26th february of 2020
The Management.